HELM Series

HERTZ HELM Series mist eliminators are designed to meet the demand for efficient removal of oil-mist carryover from piston or oil flooded rotary compressors and to capture oil fog, mist, or smoke from exhaust and pressure unloading vents of vacuum pumps and blowers


MODEL Capacity Connection Size Drain Port Size Maximum Working Pressure Maximum Working Temperature Element Model Housing Dimensions (mm)
m3/min cfm bar 0C A B C D OE OE G H
HELM 150 4.25 150 DN50 G ½” 16 80 14 500 1003 209 459 203 103 305 330
HELM 300 8.5 300 DN50 G ½” 16 80 14 500 1105 209 559 203 103 407 435
HELM 600 17 600 DN50 G ½” 16 80 14 500 1461 209 916 203 103 762 790
HELM 800 22.7 800 DN80 G ½” 16 80 14 500 1655 279 1084 203 103 915 950
HELM 1200 34 1200 DN80 G ½” 16 80 14 600 1520 281 931 254 103 762 790
HELM 1600 45.3 1600 DN80 G ½” 16 80 14 600 1671 281 1086 254 103 915 950
HELM 2100 59.5 2100 DN100 G ½” 16 80 14 700 1575 335 953 300 129 762 790
HELM 2750 77.9 2752 DN100 G ½” 16 80 14 700 1726 335 1100 300 129 915 950
HELM 4200 119 4200 DN150 G ½” 16 80 14 800 1670 393 983 365 181 762 790
HELM 6000 170 6000 DN150 G ½” 16 80 14 800 1925 393 1258 365 181 950 1045
HELM 8000 226.7 8000 DN200 G ½” 16 80 14 850 2020 417 1277 386 233 1016 1045
HELM 10000 283.3 10000 DN250 G ½” 16 80 14 1000 2118 417 1307 407 337 1016 1045
HELM 12000 340 12752 DN300 G ½” 16 80 14 1000 2688 497 1847 437 337 1524 1550

Models and Technical Information

MODEL Capacity Connection Size Drain Port Size Maximum Working Pressure Maximum Working Temperature Element Model Housing Dimensions (mm)
m3/min cfm bar 0C A B C D OE OE G H
HELM 150 4.25 150 DN50 G ½” 16 80 14 500 1003 209 459 203 103 305 330
HELM 300 8.5 300 DN50 G ½” 16 80 14 500 1105 209 559 203 103 407 435
HELM 600 17 600 DN50 G ½” 16 80 14 500 1461 209 916 203 103 762 790
HELM 800 22.7 800 DN80 G ½” 16 80 14 500 1655 279 1084 203 103 915 950
HELM 1200 34 1200 DN80 G ½” 16 80 14 600 1520 281 931 254 103 762 790
HELM 1600 45.3 1600 DN80 G ½” 16 80 14 600 1671 281 1086 254 103 915 950
HELM 2100 59.5 2100 DN100 G ½” 16 80 14 700 1575 335 953 300 129 762 790
HELM 2750 77.9 2752 DN100 G ½” 16 80 14 700 1726 335 1100 300 129 915 950
HELM 4200 119 4200 DN150 G ½” 16 80 14 800 1670 393 983 365 181 762 790
HELM 6000 170 6000 DN150 G ½” 16 80 14 800 1925 393 1258 365 181 950 1045
HELM 8000 226.7 8000 DN200 G ½” 16 80 14 850 2020 417 1277 386 233 1016 1045
HELM 10000 283.3 10000 DN250 G ½” 16 80 14 1000 2118 417 1307 407 337 1016 1045
HELM 12000 340 12752 DN300 G ½” 16 80 14 1000 2688 497 1847 437 337 1524 1550

General information

HELM Series

HELM 150 / 300 / 600 / 800 / 1200 / 1600 / 2100 / 2750 / 4200 / 6000 / 8000 / 10000 / 12000
Capturing oil fog, mist, or smoke from exhaust and pressure unloading vents on oil flooded compressors, vacuum pumps and blowers Any application requiring Low Delta P coalescing of large air volumes Vacuum Freeze Drying Vacuum Out - Gasing Vacuum Coating Food Processing Nailers / Staplers Industrial Vacuum Processes Cement & Paper Processing
Mist Eliminators are designed to meet the demand for: Efficient removal of oil-mist carryover from piston or oil flooded rotary compressors Long service life Strength to withstand strenuous operating conditions Protection from oil slugs or compressor Air/ Oil separator failure
Very Low pressure drop Large oil catching efficiency Easy field cleaning Positive sealing O-rings Temperature (continuous) 4 °C (40 °F) min. 80 °C (176 °F) max. Auto Float Drain is Standard Multiple drain Style Options Available Pressure Rating of 14 barg (200 psig) Removal of particles down to 0.01 micron including coalesced liquid water and oil providing a maximum remaining oil aerosol content of 0.01 ppm Increased surface area in a given volume allows low velocity separation of ultra fine oil mist Elements are grounded to canister minimizing static electricity problems
Ultra low pressure drop reduces energy costs. Positive gasket seals eliminate media bypass Filter change out differential 2.5 psig (170 mbar) True Air / Oil Separator Long service life


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