WAVE Series

Hertz proudly introduces new generation Wave of high pressure reciprocating compressors taking advancing the WAVE Series, which were developed in order to be used in all applications requiring high pressure, especially in the maritime sector, where Hertz has shown a keen interest and served from the day of its establishment until today.



Model Pressure Capacity (intake) Voltage Frequency Motor Power Connection Size Dimensions (mm) Weight Noise
Min. Var – psi Max. bar – psi L/min cfm V/Hz kW/HP Length Width Height kg dB(A)
HW 52 40 580 12 174 862 30.5 460/60 11/5 G 1″ 1300 1100 1030 425 80
HW 64 40 580 12 174 1077 38.1 400/50 11/5 G 1″ 1300 1100 1030 411 80
1445 51.1 460/60 15/20 1580 1175 1100 461 81
HW 108 40 580 12 174 1806 63.8 400/50 15/20 G 1″ 1580 1175 1100 421 81
2214 78.2 460/60 22/30 685 83
HW 166 40 580 12 174 2767 97.7 400/50 30/40 G 1″ 1580 1175 1100 630 83
2821 99.6 460/60 30/40 1640 772 84
HW 210 40 580 12 174 3526 124.5 400/50 37/50 G 1″ 1640 1175 1100 680 84

Full product specifications

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Models and Technical Information

Model Pressure Capacity (intake) Voltage Frequency Motor Power Connection Size Dimensions (mm) Weight Noise
Min. Var – psi Max. bar – psi L/min cfm V/Hz kW/HP Length Width Height kg dB(A)
HW 52 40 580 12 174 862 30.5 460/60 11/5 G 1″ 1300 1100 1030 425 80
HW 64 40 580 12 174 1077 38.1 400/50 11/5 G 1″ 1300 1100 1030 411 80
1445 51.1 460/60 15/20 1580 1175 1100 461 81
HW 108 40 580 12 174 1806 63.8 400/50 15/20 G 1″ 1580 1175 1100 421 81
2214 78.2 460/60 22/30 685 83
HW 166 40 580 12 174 2767 97.7 400/50 30/40 G 1″ 1580 1175 1100 630 83
2821 99.6 460/60 30/40 1640 772 84
HW 210 40 580 12 174 3526 124.5 400/50 37/50 G 1″ 1640 1175 1100 680 84


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